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- Sumka Quick Program Launcher
- What's new: + new
- - fix
- ! important
- - Configuration window. Program fail when new button added
- to empty panel and then window closed
- 2.1.1
- + Wizard dialog was changed.
- 2.1
- major:
- + functionality: launching group of files/documents.
- + functionality: opening folders.
- + configuration: wizard.
- + info: info screen.
- - registered applications: dialog do not close settings dialog.
- - registered applications: correct 32-bits icons.
- - quick icons: correct 16x16 icons drawing.
- minor:
- + Panels: mouse highlighting.
- + Graphics: using new graphics for menus and dialogs.
- - Panels: switching between panels was fixed.
- + Settings dialog was changed.
- - Button setup dialog. Resource leak within browsing for files.
- major:
- - q-icons. When was shown, has keyboard focus.
- + q-icons. Shift+F10 call context menu.
- - q-icons. New arrow-key navigation algorithm.
- minor:
- - Support XP styles.
- major:
- - Win-key feature initiated without hot-mouse.
- - Window hot-keys with win-key do not intersepted.
- minor:
- + Menu-key available as single hot-key for quick-icon now.
- 2.0.3
- + New interface.
- + New button dialog. Extraction file description as title.
- + Button setting dialog. File info button.
- - Correct button alignment.
- minor:
- - Q-Icons. After closing main setting dialog, if no changes was made in q-icons section
- q-icons do not changes its' states to default states.
- - Q-Icons. Context menu was changed.
- minor:
- + Skin setting dialog. Interface changed.
- + Skin setting dialog. Internet browsing for skins and backgroung added.
- major:
- - Settings\Buttons. Size of main panel recalculated after text\icon visibility applied.
- minor:
- + Button context menu called by Shift-F10.
- major:
- + Skins and background. See Settings menu, tab "Skins".
- minor:
- - Play sound optimized.
- - Old popup panel closed before new opened.
- - Panel popup optimized.
- - Icon choosing dialog. Empty icon choose error fixed.
- major:
- + New menu item "Add -> New panel" in button context menu.
- This item add new popup button
- and place new command button inside it automatically.
- - XP: fatal error, when "html"-file was choosen for command button.
- - Correct key list in hot-key dialog. And new keys added.
- minor:
- + New button added and placed inside automatically, when you create new popup button.
- - Q-Icons: Button setting menu is working now for all buttons.
- major:
- + Sound event "PopupPanel". Play sound, when panel with buttons popup.
- Sound event "TaskRun". Play sound, when binded to button application
- start.
- To set sound event see system settings: "Sound and Multimedia"
- Sound Events\ Sumka Launcher
- major:
- + Functionality: menu "Add button..." has new item "Applications"
- which allow choose a program from registered program list. Also,
- registered prorgam list can be raised from button setting dialog.
- + Interface: new button setting dialog.
- + Functionality: main panel context menu has new submenu "Add button..."
- + Icon choose dialog: choosing icons from different files.
- To choose file, click first tab on tab-header,
- and then click "browse" button.
- + System: system metrics binding.
- - Behavior: correct scrolling for if hot-order consist of one button.
- + Behavior: when "keep mouse scroll" is on, mouse pointer
- kept on panel area instead of top-left corner
- minor:
- - Button setting dialog: cmd-line is not cleaned, wnen press "popup"
- button.
- + Icon choose dialog: double click choose icon and close dialog.
- + Icon choose dialog: selected icon has highlighted phone
- + Button context menu: right click select button.
- - InstallShield: uninstall delete non-default program path.
- - Settings: popup arrows are drown by default.
- - Settings: "Keep mouse scroll" is set on by default.
- - Settings: "Simple menu" is set on by default.
- + Behavior: After button setting dialog closed, mouse cursor positioned
- on top-left corner of button's panel.
- + Settings: Simple tooltip (is set off by default).
- major:
- - Correct hot-order within Cut\Copy\Paste\Delete.
- major:
- - Correct internal Cut\Copy\Paste mechanism.
- major:
- - Resourceleak into Q-Icons.
- + Using arrow buttons and enter to navigate Q-Icons.
- Beta
- major:
- - Memoryleak into tooltips.
- Beta
- major:
- - Correct registry startup.
- Beta
- major:
- - Modal setting windows.
- minor:
- + New menu's view.
- 2.0 Beta
- major:
- + When program run suspended, tray icon chenged to working star
- until run process complete.
- + Wnen Sumka can not run document, it run choose aplication dialog.
- + Copy. See context menu.
- + Sumka_paste. See contex menu. Available after Copy or Cut.
- + Added some new hotkeys and old fixed
- - No checking for NT family.
- - Q-Icons do not "lose" image.
- - Recognizing of plug-ins' flags for having button in main menu and
- having tab in Setting window.
- - Set up icon and label for plug-in in Setting window.
- - Correct count of plug-ins' setting tabs
- - Creating first new button rise exception
- - Memoryleak with fonts and resourses
- minor:
- + Icons in context menu.
- + "Minimize on statrup" is three state option.
- third state(grayed) mean, main panel last state will restored next
- time when sumka start.
- + Enter click button.
- + Gray 1-9 used to choose/click button. Optioned.
- + Simple main menu available. See "Behavior"-options.
- - "keep mouse scroll" & "keep mouse popup" options
- do not align panel when you click on q-icons
- and popup-butttons on main panel.
- - Command q-icon open by double click when Q-Icon setting
- "Popup one click" is set.
- - Rised panel always has focus now(?).
- - Rised panel always has button highlighted by dotted rectangle.
- - After button click, first panel closed, and then program executed.
- - Use system font colour for text.
- - After button click, all buttons closed before panel closed
- - Windows-like title bar
- - Win+Click on hidden q-icons do not suspend win-button
- - when panel closed, all buttons have been destroyed
- - ! option "Draw popup" moved to "Buttons"-tab, ini-file structure
- changed.
- 2.0 Alpha
- major:
- + Context menu for Q-icons.
- + Q-Icons have background (only for NT-family)
- + Win_key using is available. Use setting for q-icons.
- + Q-Icons have personal settings.
- + Q-Icons for popup-buttons now may activated by one click.
- Use setting for q-icons.
- + There is a 3(2#1) background states of Q-Icons.
- - NT4 compatibility(yet)
- - Hot scrolling is correct now.
- - Memory leak when buttons redraw.
- - Exception when pushed away mouse released under Q-icon
- - When new button dialog canceled, added new button deleted.
- - When open icon choose dialog, first icon selected. Else it rise
- exception on close.
- - different little bugs
- minor:
- + "Keep mouse on scroll" options available. See into settings.
- + "Keep mouse on popup" options available. See into settings.
- + New tab of Q-Icons settings in main settings dialog
- - Button redraw when pushed mouse leave.
- + "Minimize on startup" option was moved to Behavior tab. No ini changes
- - Line up icon to windows' position of icons.
- 2.0 Alpha fish 0.2
- major:
- + Q-icons are available. #Have no background.
- + cursor aligning after context button operation, like move, create, del.
- No panels' moving.
- minor:
- + Setting dialog view for button changed.
- + Now if clipboard contain file information, dialog has "paste" button.
- + popup buttons may be marked. Use setting.
- + docked main panel on right and left side now can be docked on
- different height.
- + cool tooltips!
- 2.0 Alpha fish 0.1
- major:
- +! Timer removed.
- minor:
- + Ruling by keyboard is available.
- arrow,tab - change current button
- end - minimize
- esc - main_menu(main) & hide(others)
- - Empty hot-list not rise exception
- - default window pos - center.
- + right-mouse on tray-icon rise main menu
- 2.0 Alpha fish
- + Settings dialog is available now:
- 1. Allow set align text & icon of buttons
- Text or Icon may be hidden.
- 2. Setting startup behavior (minimization on startup)
- 3. Setting some other behaviors.
- 4. Setting of hotkey and mouse call for panels.
- Click "keyboard" and "mouse" to setup each of them.
- ! mouse call need NT4 or higher!
- + Setting dialog of button.
- Set button as popup_panel or as command_button - popup button.
- Select command line for command_button - click browse button.
- Select icon - click icon button.
- For registered file types icon is set automatically.
- Select title for icon.
- Use up-back button to set name button as name of file without extension.
- Keep mouse over, to see more three buttons available near: "AA","Aa","aa"
- Each of them has same function, and format text to "TEXT","Text" and "text"
- + Context menu of button.
- Call Setting dialog of button.
- Add, Delete, Order, Float buttons.
- + Context menu of main panel.
- + Paste. Use "copy" menu option in windows explorer or start menu to
- copy shortcut or program. Then in Sumka call context menu and choose
- "Add..."->"Paste". It add new button with info from program or
- shortcut you choose.
- minor:
- + Interface was changed.
- # not work context menu "delete..."->"remark"
- # not work using double click for hot call by mouse.
- # no check for more than 15 levels of buttons including. Be care!
- -> Changed:
- Panel
- . No resizing of main panel.
- . No serv panel moving.
- Ini-file.
- . Hotkey now is BYTE
- . No [T] - section -> [Buttons]:
- . T# - title
- . I# - icon path. First number is sort. Second part depend on first number:
- . 0 - use Shell32.dll (index)
- . 1 - use Sumka icons (index)
- . 2 - use near laying icons (filename)
- . 3 - use own icon (index)
- . C# - command line
- . # - flags.
- . IQ# - Q-icons flags & position (":" - devider)
- Contraints
- . No contraints now
- 1.04
- + Timer is available now
- 1.03
- + Main and Serv panels is resizable now!
- + Programs with parameters(MSDN) and need work directory(Quake2)
- is able to run now!
- + Window's and icons' positions save into ini-file now.
- + Hotkey combination may be edited in ini-file ('ctrl-" "' as default).
- + Serv panels is movable by mouse now (for if it longer).
- - More qualitative icon redrawing.
- - Fixed loosing memory by font of buttons.
- minor:
- + About box was changed :)
- + Quit process was changed :)
- 1.02
- + Reposition of main window is posible now! Use mouse no move it.
- If mouse pointer drag window to edge (top, left and right) It will be hidden behind
- edges. Else it will be minimized to thin window right on current position and will be
- restored when mouse will be over.
- 1.01
- + Added making quick-icon on desktop by right-clicking on free part
- of panel.
- - Edges position constraints fixed
- 1.00
- ...
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Ini-file from 2.0 version
- [Buttons]:
- T# - title
- I# - icon path. First number is sort. Second part depend on first number:
- . 0 - use Shell32.dll (index)
- . 1 - use Sumka icons (index)
- . 2 - use near laying icons (filename)
- . 3 - use own icon (index)
- C# - command line
- # - flags.
- IQ# - Q-icons flags & position (":" - devider)
- [Position]
- Position - style of position(top,right,left,free)
- x - pos on x
- y - pos on y
- [HotKey]
- HotKeyboard - if 1, hotkey enabled
- Key - ASCI-code of hotkey
- KeyboardCtrl - use <Ctrl>
- KeyboardAlt - use <Alt>
- KeyboardShift - Use <Shift>
- KeyboardWin - Use <Win>
- HotMouse - if 1, hotmouse enabled
- MouseL - Use left mouse button for hotmouse
- MouseM - Use middle mouse button for hotmouse
- MouseR - Use right mouse button for hotmouse
- MouseDbl - Use double click
- MouseCtrl - Use <Ctrl>
- MouseAlt - Use <Alt>
- MouseShift - Use <Shift>
- [ButtonStyle]
- TextPosition - Used as decimal flag of aligning
- for define text position into button.
- IconPosition - Used as decimal flag of aligning
- for define icon position into button.
- Text - if 1, text present.
- Icon - if 1, icon present.
- [Startup]
- Minimize - if 1, Sumka will be minimized on startup
- [Behavior]
- IconMinimize - for [Position]:Position is "free". When main
- panel lost mouse, it been resized to icon.
- LoadBigIcon - use 32x32 icons.
- KeepLeft - for [Position]:Left. When main panel lost mouse,
- it been slided just behind edge of screen and keep
- vertical position.
- KeepRight - for [Position]:Right. When main panel lost mouse,
- it been slided just behind edge of screen and keep
- vertical position.
- DrawPopup - Use little label for popup buttons.
- KeepMouseScroll - if 1, mouse pointer will be moved to top-left
- corner of panel, when mouse wheel scroll.
- Ini-file to 1.04 version
- [main] - for main panel
- [T1] - Title of buttons in main panel
- [I1] - link to icon file
- [T1] - for second panel
- [Line1] - title of button
- [CLine] - command line for button
- // icons will be added automatically
- [Position]
- [Position] - style of position(top, right, left, free)
- [x] - pos on x
- [y] - pos on y
- [I1] - flag. Visibility of quick-icon
- [I1x] - icon pos on x
- [I1y] - icon pos on y
- [HotKey]
- [Key] - Key for hotkey combination
- [Ctrl] - 1|0 is Control_key will be used in hotkey
- [Alt] - 1|0 is Alt_key will be used in hotkey
- [Shift] - 1|0 is Shift_key will be used in hotkey
- [Win] - 1|0 is Win_key will be used in hotkey
- Icon in Systray
- clicked icon restore minimized window
- Panel
- * Panel automatically slide out of screen or to little title bar(free mode)
- & restored when mouse over.
- (top, left & right mode)
- When mouse stays on top of screen in window area, window slide down
- and you can see "title bar"
- * _Hotkey_ Show current panel to current mouse pos. _Hotkey_
- again show next panel and so on.
- Or
- _Hotkey_ Show current panel to current mouse pos. Mouse-Wheel
- scroll panels.
- * Move mouse pointer to bottom of main window to resize it.
- * if Serv panel is longer then screen_height, click on button free space of panel
- and drag it up
- * Right click on button free space of panel create quick-icon(q-icon).
- One more right click on panel close q-icon.
- Quick-icon
- * May be moved by mouse
- * Serv panel called by right click on q-icon
- Constraints
- * Max number of buttons in main panel - 20
- * Max number of buttons in each serv panel - 40
- Timer option
- * This is a just a reminder! :)
- -> Click "x"-button on title bar of summa panel and then click "Timer" button.
- * Write you remaind message in edit-box with "Message" text.
- * time_boxes used for set timer
- * Choose style of remaining:
- * "While" - while the ticker is not equal to 0:0:0 time
- * "When" - To when the current time will be equal written in time_boxes
- * Click "ok" to start. Timer dialog will start and hide.
- * Use "Timer" button to open and manipulate it again.
- * First "Cancel" stop timer. Second "Cancel" close window.